Sunday, February 28, 2010

Get wild and dirty

When some people think about lesbians, they think of this beautiful thing. Two delicate, perfect creatures in unison, to form the most soft, quiet bond there is.

Not me.
I don't cut my hair short, and I don't weark spikes or collars. But it me, it's not good unless it's rough. I don't want some flowery little princess who gives me soft kisses. I want a bitch who'll bite my throat, and moan my name to the ceiling. One who's not afraid to get wild and dirty, because she knows that's what makes it fun.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a masochist. I'm not even a sadist. But it's just not real sex otherwise. You need adventure. Excitement. It's all about the thrill of the moment, whether it's frenzied screams in the throes of an orgasm, or a hot, slick tongue sliding into a place you didn't even know existed.

Call me messed up if you will. I don't really give a damn. Because unless you've been there, unless you've had that passionate, intense, and impossibly sexy relationship... you don't know what a lesbian is.


Anonymous said...

suka bangetttt.. *ma fotonya :D
ehm, jadi ngebayangin... :">

floo said...

JIahahaha.... ngebayangin yg enggak2 ya... hihihihi...

Mo nyobain.. tah :P?

Anonymous said...

*ngebayangin yg iya2
*ngelap iler pake kaos kaki merah berjari
tante! tanggung jawab! jadi kepingin kan... hiks :((

floo said...

Hahahaha... dasar!!!

Anonymous said...

suka tulisan ini, tan..get wild and dirty :D

terutama suka fotonya hahaha, teteuuupppp...*seperguruan ma alev nih hihihihi*


floo said...

Hehehehe.. silahkan pelototin deh sampe puas mumpung gratis...:P

Anonymous said...

Jill... sejak kapan kamu seperguruan ma alev? ckckckckck
@tante.... I love your wild fantasy... hihihihi
fotonya.. comentnya sama kayak yg dulu aja dech.... :))


Ahh... aku terlalu tua untuk merasa sepatah hati ini, dan lucunya semua ini salahku. aku mempunyai seseorang yang bertahan denganku sela...