Saturday, December 21, 2024


- Aku sudah cukup bertahan selama 10 th ini
- Aku tidak mau hubungan yg hanya pagi selamat pagi dan malam selamat malam tanpa berusaha saling menghubungi di sela waktu yg lain
- Saat kamu punya waktu' kamu memilih kesibukan yg lain dari pd menghubungiku.
- Klo kamu merasa sakit hati (aku putusin) katamu obat hati dengan hati yg baru' kamu boleh punya pacar lagi. Karna aku sudah tidak mau...

You throw everything to my face... 
Aku terima semuanya... 

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Why do people drink alcohol it tastes disgusting?

you don’t drink it for the taste. u drink shit like apple juice for the taste. you drink alcohol to get rid of the bad taste that every awful person in your life has left

Mencintai Terlalu Dalam

Kadang, ketika kita mencintai seseorang terlalu dalam, kau jadi lupa, bahwa engkau pun seorang yang istimewa. Dan itu, kelak, terasa menyakitkan.

~Langit Bara Lajuardi

"I didn’t break your heart. 
You broke it yourself. And in doing so, you shattered mine. 
That’s the thing about hearts, isn’t it? 
You guard yours so fiercely, thinking you’re keeping it safe. 
But all you’ve done is wound the ones who cared enough to stay. 
And now, you’re left holding the pieces, wondering why no one’s there to help you put them back together."

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

I’m staying because my HEART doesn’t know how to leave. 
I’m not waiting for a PROMISE or a GUARANTEE, 
I’m here because something in ME tells me it’s WORTH IT. 
I’m holding on not because I’m WEAK, but because HOPE is STRONGER THAN DOUBT. 
Maybe I’m a fool but if I loving her, means fighting for even the smallest chance then that’s battle I’m willing to face everyday. 
It’s not about what I get, it’s about what I feel and right now my HEART wants to stay it’s not about winning or losing it's about having the courage to stay
when walking away would be easier...
It's okay floo… they didn’t believe in you. And maybe… they never will. 
But the hardest part isn’t their doubt… it’s knowing that you gave everything… and it still wasn’t enough.
I want someone who stays because they can’t imagine life without me. 
I want someone who sees my worth in every moment, not just when it’s easy. 
I deserve a love that’s constant, that doesn’t falter through time or trials. 
Because real love isn’t just about being there… it’s about knowing they wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but by my side.

Broken Heart

Uhh.. never thought, at this age I would feel so broken
your heart is hurt... 
sometime it feels like the weight of it will never lift
like the ache is carved too deep to heal
but here's the true, you're stronger than the pain
every scar every tear is proof that you survived
it's oke to feel broken
it's oke to not have the answers
but remember, even the heavies storms pass
your heart will find it's way through the darkness
and went it does you will realise tha the hurt didn't break you
it make you stronger even when you didn't feel it
take your time
heal in your own way
because even the shattered hearts can still beat again...


It’s okay to speak up. 
It’s okay to feel hurt and let it out. 
Some people are masters at twisting the truth, making you feel like you’re wrong for reacting.
They turn your pain into “drama,” make you doubt your own feelings, 
and paint you as “crazy” for simply defending yourself. 
But don’t let anyone silence your truth. 
You’re not overreacting… 
you’re just finally standing up for yourself.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lupa Rasanya Patah

Yah... saat kericuhan mereda... sakitnya baru terasa. Seperti sesuatu yang diremas di dada.

Lupa rasanya patah...


- Aku sudah cukup bertahan selama 10 th ini - Aku tidak mau hubungan yg hanya pagi selamat pagi dan malam selamat malam tanpa berusaha salin...