Tuesday, September 10, 2019


I thought that love would be softer, sweeter and kinder.

I found out with my first love that those thoughts were just a happy delusion. Falling in love with someone is something much more violent, like having your flesh ripped apart.

Falling in love with someone means you have to expose the softest, most fragile parts of yourself to them. Otherwise, it won’t work out.

Being touched sends you spiraling into delirium. The slightest hint of their nails on your skin rips it open, and if they try to crush you with any intent, it’s fatal.

Gambar Manga : Given

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Ahh... aku terlalu tua untuk merasa sepatah hati ini, dan lucunya semua ini salahku. aku mempunyai seseorang yang bertahan denganku sela...